Terfa, what does that mean ?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Terfa, it is not just a word straight out of the imagination to concretize the merger between the Duchénier Wildlife Reserve and the Hell's Gate Canyon.


The wildlife, the unique panoramas, the remarquable history, the exceptional ecosystems and the imposing nature are all elements that are accessible in one territory.

Hunting, fishing, admiring wildlife, participating in various family activities and staying in one of the many accommodation units, this is what it is possible to practice on the territory to live a unique and intoxicating experience.

Enjoy the great outdoors, practice your favorite sports, take part in various interpretive activities, there is no denying it, the territory offers several recreational activities for all outdoor enthusiasts, regardless of their fields. 'interest.

Ancient Forests
What is an old growth forest? It is an ecosystem that has developed unique characteristics in addition to sheltering conifers over 200 years old. It is also a place that has experienced a long natural evolution and has been little disturbed by human activities. Therefore, this one testifies to the richness of the fauna which inhabit the nature which surrounds us.

In conclusion, the combination of each of the words creates Terfa, an organization rich in history, wildlife resources and magnificent landscapes. In short Terfa, it is a new organization which ensures cohesion between the Duchénier Wildlife Reserve and the Portes de l'Enfer Canyon in order to offer a full range of services for all nature and outdoor lovers.


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